NOTE: You can't boost the cart round corners. This is intentional and it says so in the instructions, but just for clarity! 


1. Think hard about which root you take. The red dudes will attack from the top and bottom, try and keep your path free from bullet danger.

2. The level has bounds, but it is very big. Use the space to your advantage. 

3. You Level Up every 30 seconds. This very slightly increases the cart speed and enemy speed, it also decreases the size of the 'hit' zone on the meter for building and the speed at which the meter increases. Keep this in mind. 

4. Be prepared. You can use RMB to focus on where you lay the track. Build up in advance to lessen the chances of having to rush as the speed increases. 

Made for the BIGA game jam.


Game design and programming - Mike Bailey

Game developer studio assets:

Conveyor belt and background -

Balls -

Meter -


All sounds from under Creative Commons License

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